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Meet Matt Larson, our NEW Executive Director!

Big news - there's a new face at Farm in the Dell! We are pleased to announce Matt Larson as our new Executive Director.

We are over the moon to have him join the team, and we can't wait for him to get to know our community and serve at the helm of our organization.

Please join us in welcoming Matt to the Farm in the Dell family!


"My name is Matt Larson, and I have recently stepped into the Executive Director role at Farm in the Dell. I grew up on a family farm in western ND, and have been teaching at Park Christian School for the past 23 years – as well as serving as director of Camp Joy in MN. I have been married to the best girl for almost 25 years, and we have 4 amazing kids!

The interactions that I have had with people connected to Farm in the Dell have always been positive, and I am looking forward to working alongside this community and going forward into the next chapter that God has ready for us!

I want to express my sincere thanks to the Farm in the Dell community for being so welcoming to me during my first few weeks as the new director! The Farm in the Dell team and Board have been absolutely wonderful to work with, and the people I have met so far have been fantastic in every way. I cannot wait to dive further into my new role and get to know this wonderful community even more!"

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P.O. Box  975   |   Moorhead, MN 56561  |   218.593.3355

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